Lezlee lindzon THERAPY
Lezlee works with individuals and families presenting with anxiety, depression, loss, and issues related to trauma, emotional deregulation, and changing family roles.
Therapy is a collaborative process that begins with establishing an understanding of your needs and what is most important to you.
Her goal is to create connection so that you feel supported and understood when facing these challenges often misunderstood by others.
Lezlee understands that each person has a unique story and perspective which they bring to relationships and the management of life stressors.
She will work with you to identify meaningful goals for positive change, and, collaborate with you so that you feel empowered to achieve these goals.
While specializing in health-related issues she also provides individual, couple and family therapy in a variety of areas:
Stress and Anger Management
Relationship Difficulties and Communication
Caregiver Burnout
Parenting- Learning Disabilities and Intellectual Disability
Elder Care
Loss and Trauma
Adjustment to Illness
Neurological Conditions: Acquired Brain Injury, Post-Concussion, Seizure Disorder, Dementia/Alzheimer’s
Cancer Support